Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another one bites the dust

I am baffled by people that find the time to post every day, or heck, every week. I struggle to get something up ever month. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I am drowning in work.
Enough complaining. The title of the post refers to milestones. Last week another one of mine kicked the bucket. I wrote, presented and defended my dissertation proposal. All told, without figures or literature cited, it was over 30 pages single spaced. Ridiculous you say? Well maybe, but my work is very integrative and combines evolutionary theory on the evolution of sex differences with behavior and endocrinology (study of hormones). So, I had a lot to tie together.
But...That being said, I am pretty dern happy about the project and now have a road map for the next few years of what to do. So now i just need to get to work and get some papers out. But first I have to catch up on everything that's been put off. Sigh.

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